MongoDB vs. Relational Databases

  • Mongo does not support joins between collections

  • Mongo does not support transactions across multiple documents, but there are ways around this by including all data inside the document which can be rolled back if there is a fail.

  • Mongo has a flexible data model which allows your database schema to evolve over time without migrations

  • Relational databases are best suited when applications require complex multi-row transactions e.g. a double-entry bookkeeping system. Mongo is not a drop-in replacement for legacy applications built around this model.

monog vs. relational db's graph

                      | MySql         | MongoDB  
 -------------        | ------------- | --------
 Rich Data Model      | No            | Yes 
 Dynamic Schema       | No            | Yes 
 Typed Data           | Yes           | Yes 
 Data Locality        | No            | Yes 
 Field Updates        | Yes           | Yes 
 Easy for Programmers | No            | Yes 
 Complex Transactions | Yes           | No 
 Auditing             | Yes           | Yes 
 Auto-Sharding        | No            | Yes