StackViews L2.5.1
Overview Stack views are a UIElement introduced in iOS 9, which as the name suggests make it easy to stack views. You can have any UIView »
Overview Stack views are a UIElement introduced in iOS 9, which as the name suggests make it easy to stack views. You can have any UIView »
AVFoundation and AudioEngine The AVAudioEngine is part of the AVFoundation framework. Implementing AVFoundation and AVAudioRecorder with code breakdown import AVFoundation // 1 class ViewController: UIViewController { // MARK: Properties »
Renaming a view controller takes three steps 1.) Change the name of the file in the navigator 2.) In the class declaration in the view controller »
Targets and Actions IBActions are used to connect UIElements to view controller code. In the case of a button it will link the pressing of the »
Constraints are what allow an element to be positioned in a certain place regardless of device or landscape/portrait mode You need a minimum of 2 »